Do you put enough thought into your Facebook profile picture? The photo you choose to represent yourself across social media reveals more about your personality than you might think. Beyond being able to tell if you’re doing cool shit (requisite Machu Picchu pic) or if you’re in a super successful relationship (classic kissing couple pose), your profile picture lends some serious insight into what kind of person you are.
Here’s what your Facebook profile picture says about you:
What Your Facebook Profile Says About You
Flexing at the gym
The Picture: Flexing at the gym
What it means: You need everyone to know that you have muscles. Also, you are the type of person to ask another person to take a picture of you while you work out.
Bonus: You took a selfie at Crossfit. Shirtless.
In the midst of some drinking game
The Picture: In the midst of some drinking game
What it means: Are you in college? Congratulations, you have joined the rank of every other college kid. Are you out of college? I’m never gonna tell you to stop playing drinking games, but at some point, everyone needs to at least appear to grow up a little bit.
Bonus: You’re getting Iced.
Silhouette against the sunset
The Picture: Silhouette against the sunset
What it means: You want to showcase the landscape, you’re not ready to change your cover photo, and you feel strongly that profile pictures should have you in it. This is your way of bending your own rules.
Bonus: A surfboard is involved.
Professional headshot
The Picture: Professional headshot
What it means: You are an actor in some capacity and just had professional photos taken and now you want validation from everyone you know about how good looking this photographer made you. It’s totally fine – we all love compliments – but let’s be honest about what you’re doing here.
Bonus: You’re in a suit.
The Picture: Wedding
What it means: You are off the market and it’s official and also look at this really high quality photo of you and your wife!
Bonus: You got married over a year ago.
Pensive, looking into the distance
The Picture: Pensive, looking into the distance
What it means: Again, your face probably isn’t showing – at least not entirely – and this is how you show everyone what an artsy thinker type you are. I’m not sure why, but chicks love these pictures.
Bonus: You appear to be playing the guitar.
Back of your head
The Picture: Back of your head
What it means: You’re trying pretty hard to appear as though you are some kind of chillaxed thug, but really, you’re just confusing everyone. Where is your face?
Bonus: The back of your head is also wearing a baseball cap.