Videos, Photos and Rumors Emerge From the Batman v Superman Set


Where there’s rumor, there’s fire. We’re not usually one to post about rumors and sources, but since CraveOnline recently editorialized that we weren’t getting enough information about Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, we’ll summarize what’s been heard, what’s been seen and what’s been posted as potential fact.

Related: Is Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice a Real Movie?

Yesterday a Detroit news team flew over a helicopter of the set and broadcasted images of “crunched police cars, smashed busses and demolished buildings” which you can view right here!


If you want to see what that it looked like before all that carnage, Detroit news was also on the beat, way back when: 

What else is coming out of Detroit? A photo of Ben Affleck on set, with a touch of gray in his Bruce Wayne coif (this Batman is supposed to be in his early 50s): 

Now you want the rumor? Badass Digest is reporting via "sources" that when the film starts, Batman (Affleck) will have been fighting crime for 30 years and he and Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) will already be a team of justice. So no origin story for Wonder Woman? Hmmmm, perhaps she'll get her own solo origin film soon. There's a bit more rumor o'er at their site, including some tattered garments found in a bat cave, but so we can spare ourselves an outcry of spoilers we're only providing a link. (Also it's of our opinion that the link does not contain spoilers, but some are very sensitive.)



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