Leaked Witcher 3 Design Docs Hint at a Fourth Game

If it weren’t for the haphazard mention of boob physics, I’d be halfway convinced that The Witcher 3‘s “leaked documents” were an intentional plant by CD Projekt RED itself. After all, what better way to set up a sequel than to have it “accidentally exposed” by some crazy tricksters on Reddit? Regardless of the leak’s nature, amongst its wealth of info is ample evidence to suggest that a fourth Witcher game is already being planned. In case you hadn’t suspected as much.

Specifically, the docs discuss player choices made in the third game that will carry over to The Witcher 4, which inadvertently confirms that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will by no means be the end of the Witcher tale. If you feel like spoiling the game for yourself then feel free to Google the leaked docs and check them out; I for one have no intention of spoiling Wild Hunt‘s key plot decisions just because I can. It’s tempting, but regret is a nasty thing to have on your conscience.

Even if the leak is purely accidental, it does plant the idea of Witcher 4 in gamers’ brains, something I highly doubt the game’s makers find too terribly lamentable. I’m still drooling over Wild Hunt‘s E3 showing myself, and until that game is over and done with, I’ll be fine if I never hear another word about whatever’s coming next.

[Via: DualShockers]