Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey’s run on Marvel’s Moon Knight is coming to an end with issue six. But rather than relaunch the book, Marvel has set up a new creative team to run Moon Knight “Season 2.”
Brian Wood and artist Greg Smallwood will take over from Ellis and Shalvey as of Moon Knight # 7. This will be Wood’s first Marvel series following his departure from X-Men.
Wood told Newsarama that “We’re keeping the one-shot structure, and I’m also trying to keep the not-quite-the-real-world thing Warren does so well, as well as his talent for pacing and minimalism of story but still delivering a solid read. The first story takes place in New York City during a blackout. Moon Knight’s been described as a protector of night travelers, and in this case, in a blackout, everyone’s a night traveler.”

“My approach to the character is strictly a visual one,” explained Smallwood. “He’s the light in a dark world. Unlike a certain pointy-eared vigilante, he doesn’t hide in the shadows; he stands out from them. He’s confident and aggressive so his posture and fighting style reflects that. He’s constantly charging ahead and making mistakes along the way. I like that about him. I like heroes with flaws.”
“He’s great fun to write,” added Wood. “He’s all business, owns and uses cool tech, has something like multiple personalities, and can really fight. I feel like it’s the best of Batman without all the baggage of Batman. Plus I can write NYC as NYC, not as some analogue. People know I love writing NYC.
Moon Knight # 7 will hit comic stores in September.