10 Great X-Men Stories That Have Never Been Adapted

One week from today, the X-Men will return to movie theaters in X-Men: Days of Future Past, which is inspired by one of the most famous stories from the X-Men comics. 
X-Men: Days of Future Past is the fifth X-Men movie and the seventh in the franchise if the two Wolverine solo films are also counted. Fox clearly has no intentions of letting this franchise revert back to Marvel anytime soon, as the studio has already announced plans to make X-Men: Apocalypse and a Gambit solo film.  
While the feature film franchise has cannibalized several of the best X-Men stories, it hasn’t been able to get to them all. With over 50 years worth of material to pick from, there are still several movie worthy stories that can be told.
For this list of potential X-Men film adventures, I picked 10 that have never been previously adapted in either the movies or the three “X-Men” animated series. Let’s face it, there are only so many times that we can see a retread of “The Phoenix Saga.” And I highly suspect that “Age of Apocalypse” will be partially adapted in the next film.
These stories were also chosen on the basis of how easily they could be adapted. So there aren’t any space adventures or demon battling encounters on this list. X-Men fans can deal with those tangential storylines, but the casual fans just wouldn’t get it. To them, the X-Men are all about a group of heroes and villains who were born with superpowers in a world that hates and fears them. That’s really all that anyone needs to know.
Feel free to share your picks for the best unadapted X-Men stories in the comment section below!