Batman Eternal kicked off last week and DC is publishing The New 52: Future’s End next month. Normally, two weekly series would be a demanding schedule for any publisher. However, DC has added a third weekly book to their upcoming slate of titles.
Ahead of this weekend’s WonderCon in Anaheim, Nerdist broke the story about Earth 2: World’s End, a new weekly title spinning out of Earth 2 in October. Daniel H. Wilson is the “showrunner” of World’s End as he teams up with Earth 2 writer Tom Taylor, Paul Levitz, Marguerite Bennet, and Mike Johnson. Artists Tyler Kirkham, Eddy Barrows, Jorge Jimenez, Stephen Segovia and Paulo Siqeira will alternate art chores on Earth 2: World’s End.
The Earth 2: World’s End teaser art by Ben Oliver suggests that Huntress and Power Girl from World’s Finest will finally make their way back to Earth 2 in the storyline.

In a brief statement, Wilson said “This has been a charmed opportunity to jump straight into the deep end of a gritty, complex DC Comics series. I feel incredibly lucky to work with Mike Cotton and the rest of the legendary DC team, figuring out the ultimate fates (and sometimes origins) of so many compelling Earth 2 characters in crisis. I’m having the time of my life.”
DC has also hinted that the Earth 2: World’s End storyline will somehow tie into the “Five Years Later” storyline of Future’s End that DC’s Dan Didio said will include “a level of connectivity that… will help really bring into focus where we see the future of the DCU heading.”