Booze Squibs: Brandy Slush Recipe in Time for Spring

SQUIB: a : a short humorous or satiric writing or speech; b : a short news item. (Merriam-Webster)

This Booze Squib tells Brandy to chill. (Sorry. That’s the best I got for this one.)

This drink mix is great to have on hand in the heat of summer, but after this past nuclear winter, you might want to hit it early. It’s made in batches, and then scooped like ice cream. You’ll get the idea.


• Large sealable container.

• 7 cups water

• 2 cups sugar

• 4 green tea bags

• 1 large can frozen lemonade

• 1 large can frozen orange juice

• 2 liter 7-Up

• 1 quart Brandy

Instructions: Boil water with sugar until well blended. Add tea bags. Allow to steep fully. Remove tea bags. Boil for 10 minutes. Add orange juice and lemonade to hot mixture. Stir until melted. Add brandy. Stir well allow to cool. Pour mixture into container and seal. Freeze for three days to allow alcohol to freeze as much as possible. It will never freeze solid.

Serving: Cocktail or highball glass. Two scoops. Add to 7 up to taste.

You can change it up by substituting ginger ale or cola.