JACKED! Premieres April 7th On Discovery

A new 10-part series comes from Montreal’s Pixcom Productions, “Jacked!” follows Jeremy Patterson and his rag-tag team of ex-cons and family members as they travel across the U.S. raising people’s houses – and their spirits – restoring the confidence and faith of homeowners traumatized by hurricanes Katrina, Isaac, and Sandy. The new series debuts on Discovery on April 7th.

In New Orleans, America’s wettest city, Patterson tackles buildings that many believed were unsalvageable, and where homeowners have been waiting for years, for their homes and lives to return to normal. “Jacked!” transports viewers under foundations and into tunnels beneath the houses as they creak upward, inch by precarious inch. The series reveals a high-risk world of extreme personalities and claustrophobic action.

In the first episode in Westwego, Louisiana, an off-kilter 160-ton slab house demands some jacking finesse to keep things on the level. Across Lake Ponchartrain, in Slidell, a ridiculously high water table and a generous helping of mud make an already challenging jack more difficult. An unstable brick wall turns the job into a demolition derby, with hammers a-swinging, as the concerned homeowner looks on.

Photo: Bell Media PR/Jacked


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