
Trevor is the character for whom I have the most hopes and dreams of extended backstory, character advancement, and maybe even a happy ending. Still, I know it isn’t going to happen. Trevor’s assorted banquet of tragic flaws is precisely what makes him so compelling, and despite declarations of love for other characters and fleeting indications that he may actually be a decent person, he will never get it right. Loneliness will plague him. He’ll always flunk the Merriweather Heist. In the face of attempts at true friendship from cohorts like Ron, Trevor will never fail to instead knock their teeth in, breaking bonds to prevent things from getting too serious. Hey, it’s better than risking another betrayal, no? The whole thing makes me want to crawl into a hole.
Yet somehow, such dysfunction translates to absurd antics adorned with the finest black comedy, and it wouldn’t be Trevor Philips we’re talking about if it didn’t. What I’d like to see for Trevor in story DLC, assuming he can’t have what I’ve already described above, is a genuine triumph. Not just ramping up his meth and weapons trafficking company out in the sticks, either — I want him to successfully pull off an absurd heist. Preferably, it’ll be on the scale of his failed attempts from the main story, and I want Michael to see it. Then, I want Trevor to shed the wounded puppydog persona that Michael probably thinks is his only semblance personality, and regain his composure around his now-detested running buddy. They can still hate each other. I just can’t watch them bicker for another ten hours.

The final problem, and one that applies to all three characters’ still-unknown future, is a simple question. “Why?” Each has all the money they will ever need thanks to the main game’s events closing events. For that reason (as I mentioned earlier), I predict the game will center around helping Franklin out of trouble. It’s the only convincing explanation for getting the gang back together. I’m sure Rockstar will do a damn fine job, as they usually do, but I sure wish there was another way.
That pretty much covers most of what I can think of, but leave it to Rockstar to pull something out of the air that nobody saw coming. GTA V’s story DLC could easily throw a curveball by introducing entirely new characters that present a unique threat to established protagonists, or it might try something else. Nothing is off the table.
Regardless, there’s much fun to be had either way — new side missions are sure to be included, along with potential for additional parachute jumps, street races, triathlons, and in-world random events. Hell, I’m not convinced Rockstar doesn’t throw a few of those in every time there’s a free patch anyways. We’ll have to wait and see, but one thing’s for certain — when the DLC hits, prepare to have Grand Theft Auto V dominate your RSS feeds all over again.