Galactus threatened to destroy the Ultimate Universe, and it took the brave sacrifice of Captain America to save the day. Who is left? What will happen next?
First things first, the funeral for the captain and the president.
“You’ve got all these characters [that] have been through hell together and now they’re coming out the other side and they’re kind of committed to each other, now that Captain America’s gone and some other characters aren’t making it back,” says writer Brian Michael Bendis. “A lot of these characters are very young, and with that comes a lot of emotion, a lot of drama, a lot of people making some disastrous mistakes both in their professional and in their personal lives; and all of that will be on display right away.”
Bendis also says that this is a great time to jump on board the Ultimate Universe. “One could argue, if you look at what the Ultimate Universe was when we started, and how much of it has been co-opted by the movies and by television, we were kind of a couple of years ahead of our time, and we’re very proud of that. With that said, we’re kind of stripping away everything that’s been co-opted by other mediums, and putting in all new stuff, and that’s very exciting to us.”
Check out this first look at Survive #1, with art and a variant cover from Joe Quinones, and featuring a cover from Olivier Coipel.