Exclusive Interview: Jason Momoa on ‘The Red Road’ and Road to Paloma

Jason Momoa made his first appearance before the Television Critics Association for the new Sundance Channel series “The Red Road.” HBO had not brought supporting cast for the initial “Game of Thrones” panel, and even though he got his start on TV’s “Baywatch,” that didn’t bring him to the TCA either.
“The Red Road” stars Martin Henderson as Harold Jensen, a sheriff dealing with problems at home, and conflicts with a Native American reservation. Momoa plays Phillip Klopus, a reservation crime lord with whom Jensen forms an uneasy alliance. After the Sundance Channel TCA session, we got some private time to sit with Momoa. This was even before WWE Studios signed on to distribute his directorial debut, Road to Paloma, but shortly after Momoa’s Superman vs. Batman casting rumors surfaced.
CraveOnline: Is this your first TCA because you weren’t here for “Game of Thrones?”
Jason Momoa: I wasn’t here. When was the “Thrones” one?
First season, so 2011. Did they ever do these sessions for “Baywatch?”
No, they did not. I went to NATPE.
Oh, I remember NATPE. Those were great.
Yeah, I was down in New Orleans. I remember doing that. That was fun. First time in New Orleans, that was hilarious.
So TV has been good to you, hasn’t it?
It’s been great. I’m on two amazing channels so far, HBO and Sundance.
Did you want to guarantee that Kopus would last a few season on “The Red Road?”
Yes, yes, I did. I mean, it’s amazing that it ended that way. I’m super happy. Even though I read the book, at first I was like it’s a bummer, but it has to happen and it’s a beautiful story, beautiful storytelling. As far as this, much like Drogo, I’ve never seen or read a role where I was like, “I’ve got to have this. This is me, perfect, I want to play this.” I’m very happy Aaron let me play him.
Is that because Kopus is so much like you or because it’s such a stretch?
You know, it’s being Native and that made the list a little bit smaller, obviously playing a Native. It’s actually a giant departure but I knew the other side of it. I grew up with a loving mother, single mother and this guy, his mother doesn’t even like him. So just wanting to be loved, even though he’s a bad seed, I like playing the polar opposite of that. I’ve never been to prison, I’ve never committed a crime where I deserved to go to prison, never killed anyone but it’s fun acting that.
Does “The Red Road” get into the politics of the Native American tribes?
It does, trying to get federal recognition. I know the writers were inspired by some tribes. Obviously it’s fictional, but it’s kind of interesting that they’re not having federal recognition and it’s a Native American tribe very close to a white city. It’s good drama.
How about the politics within the tribe itself, amongst members?
Absolutely, amongst the members, even with myself. When I took on the role, even though I’m going to be playing a Native American character, I don’t want anything to do with anyone. You’re not going to like me. No one likes him. You see from the opening scene, that little kid doesn’t even like him. His mother won’t hug him. It’s like is he playing a Native?
He is Native but he’s not. He’s raised by a white drug dealer and he’s a bad seed but you’re going to find out why he’s become this bad seed, so that’s what was interesting to me, being Native just going “I don’t subscribe to anything,” but I think the tribe eventually over time is going to embrace him. Whether he likes it or not, he’ll do some good things even though he’s a bad guy.
Does Kopus get his hands dirty?
He loves getting his hands dirty. He revels in it.
Well, he’s a good manipulator too.
He is, absolutely.
Is Kopus the kingpin, the don of this crime?
His father is, Tom Sizemore, who is amazing. When he first came on, I was like, “Who’s going to be the guy who’s going to berate me?” because [my character] was raised by my father, there was an accident when I was a child, and this is backstory that I’m not sure I’m supposed to give to you or not, but I killed a kid. It was an accident, but my father always thought that I did do it. When your father doesn’t even respect you and he’s a bad guy and he thinks you did that, it’s kind of like being under the thumb of your father. So having someone that could berate me and constantly belittle me, I was like what actor is going to do that? Tom Sizemore is spot on, man.
Do you go head to head with Sizemore a lot?
Oh yeah, oh yeah. We don’t have one scene that’s like [peaceful]. We go head to head and he’s great.
With Harold, is it sort of a Godfather like deal where one day I’ll need a favor, only it’ll probably be sooner since the show is weekly?
How soon does Kopus call on that favor?
You’re going to watch it in [episode] three. I’m setting up my empire my own way. My dad doesn’t know what I’m doing. When you see me slam that guy’s hand, obviously it’s my dad’s guy watching after me. I’m trying to set up my own little empire and I’m going to pull that favor in episode three.
Is there more than one favor, I assume?
When you have the conversation with Harold in the rain in episode two, was that real rain or studio rain?
Yes, it was studio rain. It was a pain in the ass because then we had to loop that scene. When you read that scene, it was a fantastic scene. I love doing that one.
The first confrontation when you both arrive in your SUVs, how late at night was that shoot?
Oh, that was late. That was early in the morning. That was a great scene. It would probably be 11 o’clock at night until two, three in the morning.
Did that work for the energy of the scene?
I think that’s the scene that I was the most scared to do. That was the one, it’s the first episode, it’s the last scene of the whole episode. I remember doing that and that was spooky. When you’re starting a new show and you get everything going, that was the big [scene] where we first go face to face and I just remember being really nervous on that, but it turned out well. I like it.
Is Kopus going to come after Jean?
Good question, buddy.
Does he still have eyes for her?
Boy, that would make some interesting stories, wouldn’t it?
It sure would!

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