SQUIB: a : a short humorous or satiric writing or speech; b : a short news item. (Merriam-Webster)
This Travel Squib has a lot of pull. But, only shooters will get that joke.
Visitors to the Cheltenham and Gloucestershire areas of the UK can take their shot at performing like an Olympic marksman at the Ian Coley Shooting School.
Founded by longtime sporting enthusiast Coley, the school grounds include 24 individual shooting stands where sportsmen and women can practice alone or with professional coaching. Whether the shooter wants to sharpen hunting skills or simply master clay target techniques, that one on one instruction is invaluable. Having watched multiple Coley instructors work with students, I can say the staff keeps the lessons simple, upbeat and thoroughly positive.

I’ve been a shooter for years, though I’m much better with a handgun than either a rifle or shotgun. Still, at a sporting automotive event last year, I managed two eight for eight trap shooting rounds in Pennsylvania. That doesn’t mean I don’t have a lot to learn about using that shotgun, so I enjoyed a lesson myself on a cool UK afternoon. I walked away with a couple outstanding pointers and a full understanding why the Coley School is the chosen destination for the UK’s Olympic shooters.
Visits to Coley are offered with resort packages at nearby Ellenborough Park. A complete long gun shop and shooting supply store highlights the main clubhouse in case any visitor tries the sports and catches the shooting bug.