Robert Lepage Names Recepient Of The City of Toronto Glenn Gould Protégé Prize

Robert Lepage, Laureate of the Tenth Glenn Gould Prize, has chosen L’orchestre d’hommes-orchestres (LODHO) to receive The City of Toronto Glenn Gould Protégé Prize of $15,000.

“Finding yourself out of your comfort zone is something extremely stimulating – that’s exactly what L’orchestre d’hommes-orchestres does for you. Somewhere between music, poetry and visual performance, they create their own art form and you suddenly find yourself treading territories you never knew existed. They turn the ordinary into extraordinary, the expected into the unexpected, and noise into harmony. They are truly unique,” said Robert Lepage on The Glenn Gould Foundation website.

Lepage will present the award to members of LODHO following a special performance of their work Cabaret brise-jour on Saturday, March 29th at The Theatre Centre in Toronto.

Photo: Robert Lepage/The Glenn Gould Foundation


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