Who doesn’t want to bask in the glory of Wimbledon’s Centre Court? Or touch the outfield ivy at Wrigley Field? Or experience the euphoria and eventually life-sapping hypothermia of an end zone seat at Lambeau Field? If you’re a sports fan, you do.
Usually all that’s stopping you from doing it is time. Oh yeah, and money. And your wife. Or girlfriend. Or that @#$%^ job. Or the other ridiculousness in life that keeps you from handling your responsibilities and doing what’s really important — like sitting on the infield at the Indianapolis 500.
If you don’t have a list like this, then I hate to break it to you…but you don’t really like sports all that much. Sorry…no real argument here. Either you’re a fan and you’ve got a list…or you aren’t and you don’t.
Now, we may quibble with some of the choices our friends over at Thrillist made in compiling their 10 sporting pilgrimages that every guy should make at least once.
I mean, hitting the Preakness OVER the Kentucky Derby? And while there’s plenty of cache to attending the Iron Bowl, there are at least a dozen huge college football rivalry games that’d fit that bill (chill out, SEC’ers — not EVERYTHING is about you).
Basically, your mileage may vary on the specifics here — but there are definitely some games and venues you just must see.