5 Funny Videos About Squirrels And Dogs

Some dogs want to hunt squirrels. Others would rather just hang out with them. Today, we turn to YouTube to take a twitchy, hyperactive look at man’s best friend and dog’s best frenemy. Here are 5 funny videos about squirrels and dogs:


Squirrels And Dogs – Playing Indoors

Feeling jittery? I think this squirrel knows all about that.


Squirrels And Dogs – Hiding Nuts In A Dog’s Fur

What a nut.


Squirrels And Dogs – Playing On The Lawn

That puppy is like, “Stay back, man. Just stay back.”


Squirrels And Dogs – Chihuahua Adopts Baby Squirrels

Chihuahuas, squirrels, they’re pretty much the same thing.


Squirrels And Dogs – The Great Chase

These dogs are seriously on the fence about that squirrel.


Geoffrey Golden is a bestselling author and Editor-in-Chief of The Devastator comedy magazine. 


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