What’s Happening On The Web This Week: Dumb Starbucks

Wanna know what’s happening on the web this week? Sochi money, prank store is funny, panda-land ain’t sunny, Game of Thrones is almost off-and-running, Letterman is gunning… for Leno, once again. Here’s the week in viral:


Why The Sochi Olympics Are The Most Expensive In History

It costs a lot of money to build a hotel with no working toilets.


Dumb Starbucks Coffee

Yeah, this really happened. [More]


Toronto Zoo Giant Panda Enjoys Epic Snow Fall

Watch out for that… Awww… cliff!


David Letterman Nails It

Watch your back, Jimmy Fallon. [via]


Game Of Thrones Season 4: Ice & Fire: A Foreshadowing

Who’s your favorite character… of the ones who are still alive?


See you next week for more linking and vengeance.


Geoffrey Golden is a bestselling author and Editor-in-Chief of The Devastator comedy magazine.