Tech Squibs: Parrot MiniDrone Perfect for Rookies

SQUIB: a : a short humorous or satiric writing or speech; b : a short news item. (Merriam-Webster) 

This Tech Squib doesn’t want to spy on you or blow you up — which is a good approach for a toy.

Drone builder Parrot says their the new MiniDrone will demonstrate the capabilities of airborne robots, while letting amateurs enjoy the experience of flying them.

A 2014 Consumer Electronic Show Innovation Award winner, the MiniDrone fits in the palm of a child’s hand and connects to a Smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth – where a free app serves as the user’s cockpit. Taking advantage of sensors and auto-piloting artificial intelligence, this tiny quadricopter wants to be a consumer drone that’s easy to fly with precision at high speed for beginner users.

Light, yet durable, the MiniDrone offers two wide wheels that encompass the drone. Working with the propellors, those wheels allow it to role along the floor, up walls or across ceilings under control.

While not in stores yet, the MiniDrone should be buzzing in sooner that later after its welcoming party in Las Vegas.


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