Nothing says “I’m an artsy hipster with a healthy respect for both film history and hot chicks…all hail me!” quite like it.
And it’s adorned more dorm bedrooms and first apartments in the past 25 years than…well, pretty much anything else.
It’s perfect. Except for one big problem…
It’s played, son.
Yes, cool is cool…but cool does tend to dim over time. You must find the NEXT wave of cool to truly be…cool.
With that in mind, our pals over at Thrillist have come up with some inventive ways to retire that Tarantino shrine with grace — and replace it with some seriously kick-ass alternatives.
We’re partially to the street art samples…and that awesome Iron Man poster…but Thrillist found plenty of very awesome ways to class up your joint. And they aren’t ridiculously expensive.
OK, well, SOME of them are a little pricey. But c’mon, if you’re not willing to spend at least a couple bucks on making your place livable, then what are you gonna spend money on?
On second thought, don’t answer that…
But do check out some of the amazing poster options compiled by Thrillist.