Exclusive Interview: Abbie Cornish on ‘Klondike’

Discovery Channel took the Television Critics Association back to the Gold Rush. For their evening party, they set up an old timey tavern, with a live horse in the tavern outside.
The miniseries “Klondike” premieres this week on Discovery Channel, and it tells the story of the Gold Rush through the eyes of two young men looking for their big score in the harsh climate. Abbie Cornish plays Belinda, a woman they meet along the way. If you get a chance to see the character posters for Klondike, Cornish’s says “Desire.”
We got to speak one on one with Cornish in the saloon to discuss the miniseries and her role as Alex Murphy’s wife in the upcoming Robocop
CraveOnline: Your character banner says “Desire.” Is that very indicative of Belinda?
Abbie Cornish: I actually would have put a different word, I think.
What would your word have been?
[Thinks] I think I would have gone more down the lines of solidarity, strength. I’m thinking more strength because she’s such a warrior. I don’t think she’s desire. I think for her, there’s more of an independence, a strength. Not that you’re going to put “independence” there or “strength” there. I don’t really know but I feel like she’s driven by her want to succeed in the way she knows she can. She’s a businesswoman and she has no limits, no boundaries. Freedom in a way but that’s not the right word either.
It’s good.
I mean, it’s a nice word to have on a banner because “independence,” no, you can’t do that. “Strength” is good but I think maybe “freedom” is nice because of the female aspect of it because of how much success she has in that world and there are no constraints. There’s no limits.
Do you get hands on in the panning and digging for gold?
No, I never did any of that, but I did when I was a kid.
You went to Frontier Town too?
In Australia, I can’t remember the name of the town but it was outside of Sydney as a kid and went gold panning and things like that.
They had it there too? We had old west theme parks for kids.
Yeah, it’s fun. 
Are you normally an outdoorsy girl, comfortable in the elements?
Yeah, love the outdoors. Love the outdoors. 
How about working in such extremes?
I don’t like to be too cold. I’m so happy in the heat so I can be hot and sweaty and be in a bikini and be totally happy, but if you put me in the cold, even if I’m rugged up, if I’m warm in the cold I’m okay but you know that feeling of your hands getting numb and your face and the chill in your back? I don’t like that at all but of course in a roll like this, you take it on board. You just go for it.
Did you know about this period in American history?
I did, but not too the depth that I know about it now. I did a lot of research. As an actor it’s always up to you how much you do and don’t do. I love to do a lot. 
Would you have liked to live in that era?
I wouldn’t like to have lived in that era, no. I like living now. Now and into the future I think because I wouldn’t have wanted to fight those elements. I wouldn’t want to be up against death like that and see it and lose loved ones to illnesses, diseases, crime. I think it would be very hard. I prefer now. 
Is it a classic love story in a way, no matter when it’s set?
I think so, yeah. 
What are the timeless elements?
The timeless elements would be two people who connect, who talk to each other without words, who are honest, find there’s a trust that exists. It develops of course in this story but that’s eternal, for sure.
The Robocop trailers are out and obviously it’s a lot of robot action and Samuel L. Jackson. is the love story with his wife still a major part of it?
Yeah, it’s a big part of it, very big part of it. The family side of it has been amplified to provide him with a framework before he become a robot and also provide the human element to the man vs. robots part of it.
I figured they can’t put that in a trailer, but that’s my favorite part of Robocop.
Aw, yay! That’s so sweet.
In the original, when he goes to his old home and sees the empty automated open house and remembers his family.
Totally, it’s going to be good. 

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