You know her as the star of Grindhouse, Scream and “Charmed,” but soon you’ll know Rose McGowan as a director thanks to the Sundance Film Festival short film Dawn. Her film is about a teenaged girl in the 1960s named Dawn, played by Sara Barr, whose crush on a seemingly nice boy and eagerness to adhere to social stereotypes of what a “good girlfriend” should be blinds her to some potentially life-altering red flags.

We sat down with Rose McGowan, on the floor, in the corner, at her request, to talk about how her fame in front of the camera actually made Dawn‘s Sundance selection a lot harder, why the film may seem unusual coming from an actress whose familiar on-screen persona has been guided by other filmmakers, how rude it is to call actors “meat puppets,” and what she’s planning for her first feature film as a director.

Keep coming back to CraveOnline for more Sundance 2014 reviews, interviews and videos throughout the coming week!