Roberto Orci, who co-wrote The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and will write Venom, The Sinster Six and two more Spider-Man films, talked about the connective thread running through the franchises now: Oscorp.
Orci said in an interview posted to Crave’s CinemaBlend,
Oscorp plays an important part in how our villains get created, obviously, in the first one. So because Peter becoming Spider-Man came out of that, rather than saying, “And then this alien came from space,” or whatever, they’re doing human-hybrid, weird stuff at Oscorp. That’s where Gwen Stacy works anyway as well. So the idea of it representing the good and the bad of science, that it can do great things, but it can also mess you up and do weird things and transform people — as all science can be used for good or bad. So it’s nice to have that organizing principal, but it wasn’t like, “We must keep it at Oscorp.” It flowed naturally from the story development.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is set for release May 2.