A report Monday on Crave’s Collider website may shed new light on why director J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan are rewriting the script for Star Wars Episode VII. Apparently Disney wants the story to focus on Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher in their roles as Han Solo, Leia and Luke Skywalker.
Kasdan and Abrams took over the script in October but, if true, the rewrites were a lot more extensive than originally thought. Michael Arndt’s first draft is rumored to have put the trio’s children in lead roles instead of Han, Leia and Luke. Maybe everything old will be new again. Agree with the new rumor focus? Disagree? Let us know how you feel over on Crave’s Facebook?
Oh yeah, also in that report, the rumor that Abrams is looking at Michael Fassbender, Hugo Weaving, and Adam Driver for roles.
Star Wars Episode VII is still due out December 18, 2015.