More Porn Watched on PS4

Well, we guess the difference in resolution between the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One was good for something.

According to a report Friday from Crave's CinemaBlend, SugarDVD, which streams porn to next gen consoles (like you didn't know), said they are serving more of their product to PS4 owners than to XB1 owners.

In December, orders for porn on the PS4 were triple those on the Xbox One. Triple! Even if you stop to think about the fact that Sony has sold more consoles than Microsoft so far (you know, in between sessions), the numbers just don't even out. So, way to go PlayStation gamers. Or should just we call you all 'lefty'? Whatever, we're not shaking your hand, anyway.

Though, remember kids: the NSA has hacks to turn on your console's camera and mic. Just sayin'.  Just one more way the PlayStation 4 is superior to Xbox One. You're welcome.