What happened?
Just because we moved from vinyl to CD, did we absolutely have to lose the art of creating brilliant album covers? Does everything have to be an artist Glamour Shot or some art-school dropout hack job?
Sure, there are exception to that rule, but these days, there isn’t much call for square 12″ by 12″ art anymore.
Except on a pizza box.
Thankfully, while the recording industry has disregarded artistry in favor of Photoshop, a handful of adventurous pie twirlers are elevating the art of pizza boxes to new heights.
Leave it to our friends over at Thrillist to turn up some of the best — 5 artistic pizza box creations that you’d almost be heartbroken to see slathered in marinara sauce and sausage juice.
Almost, of course…because, well…it is PIZZA, after all.
Check out all of the gorgeous pizza box art uncovered by Thrillist here.