When 2013 began, I looked at comic books with much the same attitude as the Joker in the film The Dark Knight.
“I wanted to see what you’d do.”
\Jump ahead to the final days of 2013.
“And you didn’t disappoint.”
2013 was a crackling year for storytelling through sequential art. So much went down, and most of it was spectacular. 2014 has a tough act to follow, but it feels like the comic book universe is gearing up to give us something really good. Some of the secrets in the upcoming comic book year have been revealed, and they look mighty tempting. We here at Crave Online realize how busy you are, so we’ve come up with twelve events we are stoked about in 2014, and we think you will be, too.
The next year is shining bright for comic books. Just as 2013 did a year ago, the excitement for the 2014 comic book year is palpable. Did these wet your appetite? Did we miss any? What events outside of these are you looking forward to?
12 Most Anticipated Comic Events of 2014
Aquaman scribe Geoff Johns takes his final bow as writer by introducing what looks to be the next big DC Event series. At the end of Aquaman #25, fans will be introduced to Nerus, King of Xebel, one of the seven seas. In 2014 these seven kings will rise to try and take over the world. The event will not only involve Aquaman, but also stake deeply into Justice League territory. Where will Aquaman’s allegiances lay in a post-Forever Evil world?
Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Sean Murphy
Batman & Superman Unchained scribe Scott Snyder had his creator-owned property end at a serious cliffhanger. The world had been destroyed by flood, monstrous creatures from the deep had risen to the surface, the hero of the story and her team sank to the bottom of the ocean in a failed submarine and, to top it all off, we had just gotten insight into the punkish future girl who seemed to be combatting the floods. How all this ties together is going to be massive, so the return of The Wake is a major event we’re amped on.
Writer: S. Steven Struble, Artist: Sina Grace
When Struble and Grace stepped away from Li’l Depressed Boy in 2012, it was a solemn time for those of us who loved the story. Citing the fact that issues came out so sporadically, Struble and Grace wanted to get a serious backlog of issues ready before starting the story back up again. Word on the farm is that the world’s most unique and melancholy record collector will return in 2014. Last we saw Li’l Depressed Boy, he was in love and just about to lose his job. Let’s hope the return is early in 2014, as opposed to a neat Christmas gift.
Writers: Jeff Lemire, Brian Azzarello, Keith Giffen and Dan Jurgans Artists: Ethan Van Sciver, Aaron Lopresti, Jesus Merino, etc.
A cavalcade of writers, a cornucopia of talent, is converging on this future series centered on the New 52. Jumping ahead five years into the future of the New 52 characters, this weekly series co-written by Jeff Lemire looks to be an interesting ride. At the eye of this storm are Frankenstein, Firestorm, and the in-continuity debut of Terry McGuiness, aka Batman Beyond. Little is known about the plot, outside of some interesting clues from the Ryan Sook cover, where some the old school Justice League heroes are now robots. Outside of the hook, DC is also counting on the writers' chops of to give the story kick. Could be crap, could be awesome. Only time will tell.
Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
When Snyder and Albuquerque put American Vampire on the back burner, it stung just a wee bit. After all, the story had just started to hit its stride before being shelved. Thankfully, they dropped enough hints in their one shot to keep the imagination active. Cue 2014, which signals the return of Skinner Sweet and the entire crew. Snyder has talked in hushed tones about some of what we can expect, for the rest we must be patient.
Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Yanick Paquette
While I’m not exactly the biggest Morrison supporter, I have to admit his Wonder Woman idea has legs. Originally titled Wonder Woman: Earth One, this 120-page graphic novel is Morrison’s way of looking at Diana/Wonder Woman’s role in literature and history. After running away from Amazonia with Steve Trevor, Diana is put on trial by her mother Hippolyta and asked to justify her actions, much as the character has been justifying itself since day one. Morrison is taking an active role in showing the world how important Wonder Woman is, and I have to applaud him for that.
Writer: Grant Morrison Artists: Cameron Stewart, Frank Quitely
I know, two Grant Morrison picks in one list. No, don’t check outside for the four horsemen of the apocalypse, I am quite aware of what I’m doing. Morrison has been hyping Multiversity since 2009, and the idea of it finally hitting shelves in 2014 might be akin to expecting a new Tool album, but here it goes. It's a nine issue series taking different characters from different universes in the DC Multiverse, and exploring them. While I dig this idea across the board, the Morrison/Quitely collaboration on a planet teeming with characters from the Charlton heroes has me buzzing with excitement. Let’s all hope Morrison finally makes it happen.
Writers: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, John Layman, Ray Fawkes and Tim Seeley, Artists: Various
As if Batman’s dance card wasn’t full enough, now we get something a little darker for the Dark Knight with this new weekly series that has been touted as “setting the stage for a new Gotham.” What exactly that means is unknown, but we here at Crave Online do know this - Batman Eternal is going to solidify the Bat-Family and give them a foundation by which to grow. One of the most exciting things is the debut of Stephanie Brown, long thought a casualty of the New 52 era. With Batman and his funky bunch already involved in half a dozen books, it will be interesting to see how Snyder and the other writers make Batman Eternal different.
Writers: Jonathon Hickman & Nick Spencer, Artist: Stefano Caselli
The fallout of Infinity begins here. After returning from their triumph in the stars, the Avengers will be faced with a situation unlike ever before. All the planets that shoved an “A” flag into their dirt and claimed themselves Avengers Worlds will now fall under new shadows and diabolical threats. The Avengers are standing at the precipice of a new era, and Avengers World will push them right into it.
Writer: G. Willow Wilson Artist: Adrian Alphona
I’m really excited by this entire concept. The new Ms. Marvel is not your ordinary hero. Instead, teenage Kamala Khan will shoulder the responsibility. Not only does this series offer a new slant of teenage angst superhero melodrama, it also injects the idea of an American Muslim growing up in the modern era and representing a very All-American hero. The real work in the new Ms. Marvel will be to avoid tokenism, and to make Kamala Khan a very real person we connect with. Looking forward to how it all unfolds.
Writers: Alan Moore, Mark Buckingham, Neil Gaiman Artists: Various
Holy hell and a hand grenade, was anyone else sure this would never happen? Finally, after years of red tape and arguments of “rights” issues, the first hero to delve into the good and bad of superpowers is back. Originating in 1953, Miracleman became a character that two generations of artists cut their teeth on. The adult themes came later, when writers like Moore, Gaiman, Rick Veitch and others delved deeper into the dark underbelly of heroism than anyone ever had. When Miracleman launches in January, it’ll consist of Moore’s run (though he’s been asked to be renamed “The Original Writer”), then segue into Gaiman and Buckingham’s run. Following that, Marvel will published the never-before-seen final issues of Miracleman, which may just lead to new adventures sometime in the future.
Writer: Dan Slott, Artists: Various
Oh yeah, this is it. Big fight time. If the Marvel Universe was an octagon, this would the UFC battle we’ve all been waiting for. After all the teases and hints, the mysterious new Green Goblin finally slaps out at Superior Spider-Man. Kicking off in Superior Spider-Man #26 with a battle between Green Goblin and the original Hobgoblin, "Goblin Nation" promises to be one of the pinnacles of Slott’s glorious run on Spider-Man. How will a Doc Ock Spider-Man handle one of Spidey’s greatest foes? Who is the Green Goblin? What will the fallout be, and how will it coalesce with the return of Peter Parker? With so much going on in 2014, this is the event I’m most excited for.