Predictions. What would the end of the year be without predictions? 2013 was a staggering year for comic books, ergo 2014 will probably kick just as much ass. So what do we think? Well, Crave Online has spent many days in a dimly lit room, surrounded by cigarette smoke and cheap booze, in order to really analyze what might happen in 2014. So, without further ado, here are Ten Predictions For Comics In 2014.
There you have it. My predictions for 2014. What do you think this year is going to bring?
10 Predictions for Comics in 2014
I hope this doesn’t go down, but it wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibilities. Since Mark Waid took over Daredevil, the tone has been upbeat, even fun. Sure, the man without fear has had to deal with some harsh realities, but compared to the previous runs, it all felt rather jovial. With the All-New Marvel NOW kicking off, Waid says he’s looking to darken things again. Murdock is in for a change of scenery as Waid and artist Chris Samnee move him out to California. If Waid is looking to return Daredevil to a tormented soul, taking him out of his element and killing off his best friend would surely do it.
While folks may still be clamoring to the AMC TV show, Walking Dead the comic is limping along worse than any zombie. Some cite issue #100 and the absurdly unnecessary death of Glenn as the beginning of the end, but the faithful saw it happening much earlier. The last sixty issues have gotten steadily worse, culminating in the introduction of Negan, the worst villain in the history of villains. Now, for some reason, writer Robert Kirkman has decided a twelve-part arc involving the war with Negan is a good idea. What would actually be a good idea would be to call it a day on the series.
I’m curious of DC has the balls to kill Nightwing. A major part of Forever Evil has been the kidnapping and attempted brainwashing of Nightwing. The easy money is on killing Batman’s number one protégé. Since the New 52 began, both DC and Scott Snyder have been trying to separate Batman from his Bat-Family. What better way to drive the Dark Knight into eternal solitude than the loss of his real son and his first adopted son? I could also see DC turning Nightwing evil, or at least ramping up his viciousness. A brutal, sadistic Nightwing who believes everything, including murder, is a way to deter crime would be a tremendous foil for Batman, plus an interesting turn. Current Nightwing writer Kyle Higgins would have some solid material to work with.
It’s been made very, very clear that the Ultimates Universe is coming to an end. The rip in space and time created by Wolverine during Age of Ultron has allowed a certain purple-helmeted planet eater to step across the blurred universe lines to lay waste to the Ultimates. However, more powerful than even Galactus are sales figures, and Marvel is not going to sacrifice cash flow for story lines. Therefore, look for certain members of the Ultimate Universe to find their way into the normal Marvel U. I’m guessing the Ultimates Nick Fury and Spider-Man could make their way through. I’d love to see a three-way battle between Ultimate Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099, and Superior Spider-Man.
It’s been a rough year for Swamp Thing. After becoming the avatar for the green, ST had to take on the Rot, a battle that dragged on for a long, long time. Victorious, it seemed as though Swamp Thing’s life would be smooth sailing. Wrong. Turns out the Green is a political swamp, one with members looking to unseat Swamp Thing from his seat as Avatar. Currently, the battle is against The Seeder, but once that threat is eliminated, I see the Swamp Thing launching a war against his own province. How would the avatar survive without the green, or would ST simply take out those who stand against him? Either way, it would be an awesome series.
Things are looking rather bleak for Iron Man. At the start of the Hickman Avengers run, it looked as though Stark’s new ideas on the team were solid. Creating a machine that linked all heroes together, Tony Stark looked to expand the identity of the Avengers, making the team a massive collection of heroes that could take on any threat. By the time Infinity wrapped up, Stark had participated in creating technology to destroy another world and allowed Captain America’s mind to be wiped of his participation in the Illuminati. Based on the events of Avengers #26, 2014 might be the year the check comes due for Iron Man.
So many cauldrons are bubbling for the X-Men right now. The death of Rogue and Scarlet Witch, Red Skull still holding Charles Xavier’s brain, the mutants of the past now in the present, and the Cyclops mutant army somewhere in the wings. It’s a lot of tension within the X-Men world, and 2014 seems to be the year it will come to a head. How things will work out is hard to say, but the next three hundred and sixty five days will be a defining time in the lives of the X-Men.
Once writer Scott Snyder’s Zero Year wraps up, it will be time to return to Batman in the modern era. 2013 is going to be a hard year to top for both Snyder and artist Greg Capullo. How do you beat a battle with the Joker and a rebooted origin? I’m going to lay odds that DC has something big planned for Batman. My prediction is that Batman’s collection of anti-Justice League toys, which will come in handy against the Crime Syndicate, might irritate the other JL members. Remember, these guys don’t all fully trust each other yet, so the tension between Batman and the Justice League could reach a epic proportions. I’m also guessing Batman’s estrangement from his family is only going to get worse.
Oh yeah, this is going to be heavy. The ripple effect of Forever Evil is going to push out all across the DCU. I predict a rift between Batman and the Justice League. Tensions will also reach a breaking point between the Dark Knight and Nightwing. Superman and Wonder Woman will be forced to reconsider their relationship, and Lex Luthor will become even more driven to destroy Superman. The entire landscape of the DCU will change post-Forever Evil.
All the clues are there. First, the silhouetted image in Ock’s mind that seemed to be fighting up from the bottom of his memories. Then the recent release of Amazing Spider-Man #700.1, 700.2, etc. Finally, there’s the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie. There is no way Marvel will release a major motion picture without Peter Parker back in the driver’s seat. Writer Dan Slott’s plan to return Parker is still shrouded in mystery, but I predict Peter will be back in his own mind by summer 2014.