The 14 Most Anticipated Movies of 2014

Oh hey, look… 2013 is ending. Man, what a year that was. Hundreds of movies were watched, not even remotely all of them in fact, so now that it’s over we can just kick back and relax because all the hard work is done. Or, since we live in a little place called reality, we can up socks and get right on chugging into the smoky tunnel of 2014, which promises to be yet another bumpy ride of massive blockbusters, long-awaited corporate attempts at fan-service, art house trendsetters, a few unexpected mindblowers and – doubtlessly – some enormous train wrecks. It sounds a lot like 2013 already. Come to think of it, it sounds a lot like 2012 and 2011 and 2010 and 2009 and so on and so forth but whatever, we’re gluttons for punishment. Bring it on, 2014! We’re going to eagerly anticipate you anyway, because a lot of your movies look like they have the potential to be awesome.

So many, in fact, that we didn’t even have room for a lot of films that we hope will be awesome, like Muppets Most Wanted (Mar. 21), acclaimed director of photography Wally Pfister’s directorial debut Transcendence (Apr. 18), Seth MacFarlane’s Ted follow-up A Million Ways to Die in the West (May 30), Tom Cruise’s time-travelling intergalactic war epic Edge of Tomorrow (June 6), Robert Rodriguez’s long-awaited Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (Aug. 22), Eli Roth’s ultraviolent cannibal thriller The Green Inferno (Sept. 5), or David Fincher’s adaptation of the bestselling mystery novel Gone Girl (Oct. 3).

Nope, those are the also-rans in 2014. Here’s what we REALLY want to see at CraveOnline​, our 14 Most Anticipated Movies of 2014. (Note: Release dates subject to change.)

William Bibbiani is the editor of CraveOnline’s Film Channel and co-host of The B-Movies Podcast. Follow him on Twitter at @WilliamBibbiani.


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