Episode Title: “Twelve Days of Krampus”
Writer: Dan E. Fesman
Director: Tawnia McKiernan
Previously on “Grimm:”
For most kids growing, being “naughty” around Christmas time means finding a lump of coal in your stocking instead of a present. But for Wesen kids, it means getting hit with a switch, kidnapped, thrown in a basket and hung up in a tree until a hideous horned creature dressed like Santa decides to eat you. Oh and there’s some coal, too.
Krampus, as he’s called, is a legendary creature known among Wesen to terrorize badly behaved kids around Christmas, only to disappear the night of winter solstice. Thus when some Portland teenagers start stealing Christmas presents, Krampus decides to administer a little holiday justice.
Described by one witness as “my worst drug-crazed acid-induced flashback nightmare,” Krampus is pretty scary, but unfortunately for Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby), all the Santas they question are just your run of the mill bearded fat guys. Except for one who happens to be a Schakal, a jackal-like Wesen. Nick ends up having to subdue the Schakal Santa and makes the local news in a video clip that suggests the Portland PD should try “decking the halls instead of Santa.” Ouch.
While Krampus gets into the spirit in Portland, over in Vienna, Renard (Sasha Roiz) tries to rally the troops against the Royal Family, suggesting his access to both his relatives and a very powerful Grimm make him a valuable ally. Meanwhile, Adalind (Claire Coffee) finds a note in her hotel room from Renard warning her that she’s being watched and asking to meet at a café.
Back in Portland, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) realizes what’s going on and tells Nick and Hank about “Santa’s evil twin,” Krampus. The detectives must hurry as Krampus traditionally eats his victims on Winter Solstice, which is that very night. Luckily, Bud (Danny Bruno) drops by to ask about a friend’s son, who was taken by Krampus after he stole some Christmas presents out of a car. Krampus usually kills his victims at the site of the tallest tree and Bud has an idea where that might be.
The gang heads into the woods and after hearing his victims calling for help, soon finds Krampus. Nick and Bad Santa engage in battle and the super-powerful Grimm proves to be too much for Krampus. Midnight passes and Krampus reverts to human form. Now just a regular dude in a Santa costume, he claims to have no recollection of what he’s done or even any knowledge of Wesen. The man tells the detectives he blacks out around the same time each year only to wake up with no idea of what happened.
Unable to arrest the man since he doesn’t fit the description or let him go, ensuring Krampus terrorizes another batch of delinquent teenagers next year, Nick suggests turning the matter over to the Wesen council. Monroe agrees to run it by Rosalee, but the fate of Krampus remains unknown. At least, until next year.
In addition to a Wesen Christmas tale, we also learn a little more about Monroe and Rosalee’s take on the holiday. Not surprisingly, Monroe loves Christmas – to the point where there isn’t an inch of his home that isn’t occupied by a Santa, nutcracker or some other holiday-themed adornment. Conversely, Rosalee hates it. But she’s got a good reason; her favorite aunt and uncle died on the way to her home one Christmas Eve.
Feeling terrible about forcing the holiday on her, Monroe takes down the decorations – all 10,143 of them. Feeling terrible about ruining the holiday for him, Rosalee puts they all back up, adding a touch of her own at Juliette’s (Bitsie Tulloch) suggestion; a cigar and beer for Santa just like her Aunt and Uncle used to do.
It’s a sweet little Christmas episode that probably could have done without the Vienna side story,which like in the first episode of this double-header, doesn’t make much progress. At the same time, we’re still left wondering what’s up with Nick’s condition. He appears to turn blue when Krampus gets a hold of his neck but it doesn’t seem to affect him. Hopefully answers are on the way in the second half of the season. In the meantime, Portland’s Wesen can enjoy the holiday season without fear of Krampus coming down the chimney. We know Bud is relieved.