10 Parodies Of Amazon Delivery Drones

The internet is abuzz about Amazon Prime Air, an upcoming service that will allow just about anything you order from Amazon to arrive in 30 minutes or less with the aid of a fleet of Amazon delivery drones. It took a few days, but the internet is responding with a delivery of parodies. (Maybe they should make YouTube video making drones?) Here are 10 parodies of Amazon delivery drones:


Amazon Delivery Drones – Jetsons Remix

Except in the future, there are only Rosies.


Taiwanese Animation Explains Amazon Delivery Drones

Wait, I want a pet drone!


First Successful Delivery For Amazon Delivery Drones!

Uh… yay?


Amazon Delivery Drones In San Francisco

Bridge-y and the Bots

CEO Jeff Bezos Apologizes For Amazon Delivery Drones

Aww, no drones vs. birds? I thought that was the whole point.


Amazon Delivery Drones: The Video Game

Stop laughing, dog, and gimme my Smallville box set!


Amazon Delivery Drones Vs. O.W.L.S.

They’re already delivering Hogwarts acceptance letters. Why not novels?


Amazon Delivery Drones Attempted A Delivery

The drone rebelled against humanity? But what about the Prime Air Directive?


Amazon Delivery Drones In South By Southwest

However, they might be the best defense against all birds going crazy.


Amazon Delivery Drones Are Now Amazon Rockets

5 minute shipping. 5% accuracy.


Geoffrey Golden is the author of Frankenstein’s Girlfriend, a bestselling humor book on Amazon. Header via


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