On tonight’s episode of “Arrow,” The CW is taking a large step towards a larger DC Universe with the introduction of Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), the man who will be The Flash! Unless the forthcoming “Flash” pilot is a complete disaster, that means that “The Flash” will be joining “Arrow” next fall on The CW.
“Arrow” has already treated viewers to several appearances of well known DC characters, including Huntress and Deathstroke. The second season has continued this trend with Amanda Waller (Cynthia Addai-Robinson), Isabel Rochey (Summer Glau), Bronze Tiger (Michael Jai White) and Sin (Bex Taylor Klaus), plus there’s a certain daughter of Ra’s al Ghul coming very soon.
With almost the entire DC Universe to draw from, the creative team of “Arrow” has an overabundance of comic characters to choose from when deciding which ones to bring to life on the small screen, so here are a few we’d really like to see. And feel free to shout out the names of the characters you want to see in the comments below!
DC Characters We Want To See In "Arrow"
Defining features: Master of sword-fighting; her katana is reportedly possessed by the spirit of her dead husband.
Featuring Katana in a few episodes of “Arrow” would bring a sense of chaotic fun to the show thanks to her penchant for mild-to-moderate craziness. Just because she believes her dead husband's soul possesses her katana doesn't mean she's cuckoo…right?
Whether she's truly crazy or not doesn't matter; Katana is a lethal, impulsive martial artist, which is bad news for the bad guys, and great news for us.
Defining features: Ink-blot mask, hat and trenchcoat, unstoppable thirst for justice.
Technically, Rorschach is a Watchmen character and not from the DC Universe. But he's so much cooler than The Question that we want him on "Arrow." Also, nothing is out of bounds for DC after "Before Watchmen."
Rorschach is a brutal, take-no-prisoners badass with no powers. He'd fit in on “Arrow” like an arrow fits in on “Arrow.” Although it wouldn't quite make sense, canonically speaking, it would be really great to have Jackie Earl Haley reprise the role of this masked, vengeance-hungry sleuth, too.
He and Arrow could clash, initially, and then team up to take down whoever the badguy-of-the-week is.
Harley Quinn
Defining features: Her love of Mr. J, calling people Puddin'
With everything that happened in the first season, and the stressors that are bound to happen in the second season, it seems like the Arrow (or one of his associates) might need the help of a psychiatrist.
Who better to do that than Dr. Harleen Quinzel, M.D.? We could see Harley Quinn pre-clown makeup, starting her off as a trusted ally and therapist before letting her devious tendencies shine through.
Then, to tie it in to the new series, “Gotham,” have her disappear to Gotham City and reappear in full-on Harley Quinn mode.
Commissioner Jim Gordon
Defining features: He's a good cop who fights crime because it's what needs to be done.
Gordon's early days as a detective are going to unfold on the Fox series, "Gotham" next year. But in a little crossnetwork synergy, why not bring in Gordon as a veteran for a guest spot on "Arrow?"
Whenever Harley Quinn comes back to Starling City to stir up chaos, it's only natural that Commissioner Gordon would follow her. Outside of helping to catch Harley Quinn, Gordon could also teach Officer Lance a thing or two about how to be a decent cop, because that poor bastard's arrest rate is damn near zero.
Plus, we know Gordon can work well with caped crusaders, so why not let him team up with the Arrow for an episode to catch Harley Quinn, or to battle another nemesis from Gotham City.
The Court of Owls
Defining features: Assassination skills; cool armor.
A relatively new addition to the Batman mythos, The Court of Owls secretly control Gotham City and they employ a mysterious group of assassins who seem to be both everywhere and nowhere all at once.
They tend to target public figures, which in “Arrow” could mean anyone with the last name of Queen, and their arrival would be a good excuse to bring in some other heroes, like the aforementioned Commissioner Gordon.
Defining features: Acrobatic skills; twin stick thingies and other assorted gadgets and weaponry.
Nightwing would be pretty easy to feature. Either have him follow a bad guy to Starling City a la Jim Gordon, or have the circus roll into town featuring the very talented Dick Grayson.
With Nightwing around we'd get to see some awesome acrobatic ass kicking alongside the Arrow's archery skills, which would probably make for a hella good time.
Tom Welling as Superman
Defining features: Chiseled good looks and more superpowers than you can shake a stick of kryptonite at.
“Arrow” may be primarily about non-powered heroes and villains, but since Barry Allen aka The Flash is making his debut this season, it looks like that “no powers” rule is going out the window. So, why not go all-out and bring in the super-est superpower-having superhero there is... Superman!
The cherry on top would be to have him portrayed by Tom Welling; it'd be a fun cross-promotion with the CW's previous DC Comics show, and would be a treat for all the “Smallville” fans out there. Welling's Man of Steel may have had his own Green Arrow and his own continuity, but who cares? Make it happen, CW!
Arm Fall Off Boy
Defining feature: Arm removal.
Arm Fall Off Boy is the greatest superhero in existence and I'll hear nothing to the contrary. His power? He can remove his arms and use them as meaty clubs. Hmm, does that seem like the best power to have?
This guy is such a goober that not even the Legion of Superheroes would allow him admission, and this is a group whose members have included the Color Kid, whose power is to change what color things are, and Matter Eater Lad, who can eat anything.
Really, it'd just be hilarious if we saw Arm Fall Off Boy on any TV show.