BBC Announces Title For ‘Doctor Who’ 2013 Christmas Special

Last weekend, all of the Doctor’s incarnations teamed up for “The Day of The Doctor.” But when Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor takes his final trip on the TARDIS this Christmas, he’ll have to face his greatest enemies, with only Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) by his side.

BBC has announced that this year’s “Doctor Who” Christmas special will be called “The Time of The Doctor.” In the first teaser trailer, several of the Doctor’s greatest foes, including the Cybermen, the Silence and the Weeping Angels were shown as the Doctor learned which planet he had landed on.
In the officially released synopsis for “The Time of The Doctor,” BBC writes “Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the massed forces of the universe’s deadliest species gather, drawn to a mysterious message that echoes out to the stars… Rescuing Clara from a family Christmas dinner, the Time Lord and his best  friend must learn what this enigmatic signal means for his own fate and that of the universe.”
Orla Brady (“Fringe” & “Strike Back: Origins”) will guest star in “The Time of The Doctor” as someone from the Doctor’s past. The Christmas special will also reportedly deal with several dangling plot threads from Steven Moffat’s run, dating back to Smith’s first full appearance as the Doctor in “The Eleventh Hour.”
Given the recent box office success of “The Day of The Doctor” in both the United Kingdom and the United States, don’t be too shocked if BBC quickly schedules a theatrical screening of the Christmas episode as well. There may not be enough time to pull that off, but the “Doctor Who” fans came out in force last weekend. And that’s not something that BBC will ignore.

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