10 Things We Want To See In ‘Doctor Who: The Day of The Doctor’

Let me tell you a story. When I was ten years old, Sunday morning television was more exciting then Saturday morning cartoons. It started with “Star Trek,” ended with all day Kung Fu movies and in the middle was “Doctor Who.” I was raised with Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor, so he was my Doctor. The scarf, the hat, the hair, the goofy smile, my adventures in the TARDIS were led by the 4th incarnation of “Doctor Who.” 

Jump ahead multiple decades and I am still a “Doctor Who” fan. I have marveled at the adventures of all Doctor’s following Tom Baker, though I was late to jump aboard the new series. I began watching the first season when it came out on DVD, but I was instantly hooked. Now I, like so many other Whovians, are waiting with bated breath for “Doctor Who: The Day of The Doctor,” 50th Anniversary special this Saturday on BBC America. The trailers have been wonderful, the hints excruciating in their vagueness, and it all leads to this one show.
I reflected on the past years of “Doctor Who” and began thinking about what I wanted out of this 50th Anniversary Special. So, I did what we do here at CraveOnline, and I made a list. 10 Things We Want To See In ‘Doctor Who: The Day of The Doctor.’ What are you hoping to see? Let us know in the comment section below! 



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