Bryan Singer Breaks Down X-Men: Days of Future Past Trailer


The trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past dropped just yesterday, and director Bryan Singer has already provided some insight about the jam-packed look at his movie, according to Crave's /Film website.

Regarding the grey in Wolverine's hair:

The grey in the hair is something I took from X-Men Days Of Future Past, it’s a look in the comic. I liked it, even though he hasn’t really aged physically it’s something that shows how tough things have gotten in the future, and brought that out in him and given him a little more world-weariness.

About Michael Fassbender's take on Magneto:

Fassbender knew that he would be, well, not sharing the frame with Ian McKellen, but sharing the movie with Ian McKellen, so where on First Class he tried to be as different as possible from McKellen, because that was a very different character, he now knows as an actor he’d have to bring his performance slightly closer to Ian’s because he’s heading in that direction.

Check out everything Singer says then check out X-Men: Days of Future Past when it opens May 23, 2014.


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