It’s a “Walking Dead” world on AMC. There’s a spinoff coming in 2015 and earlier today, AMC renewed “The Walking Dead” for a fifth season!
From the very beginning, this show has captivated audiences with its gritty storytelling and shockingly gory zombie horror. We’re only in the third week of “The Walking Dead” Season 4 and there’s probably more shocks and gore ahead. To prepare yourselves for the horrors to come, take a look back through the first three seasons of “The Walking Dead” to remember some of the biggest OMG moments.
Related: 10 Characters From the Comics We Want To See in The Walking Dead TV Show
I shouldn’t have to tell you, but there are major spoilers below.
10 OMG Moments From 'The Walking Dead'
Rick Meets the Tank Zombie
In season one, episode one, we're treated to a look at how badly overrun Atlanta is with zombies. Up until Rick rides into the big city on a big horsey, we’ve only seen a few walkers here and there. Once he turns that corner, however, he sees a street filled with a freaking sea of zombies!
After that came a whole string of OMGs when he’s knocked off his horse and crawls into a tank for safety, leaving us with a claustrophobia-inducing shot of him inside the zombie-covered tank, the horse being eaten alive, and more walkers on the way.
Merle Gives the Group a Hand
Merle is one of the most memorable characters of “TWD.” He only appears in a total of about fifteen minutes of the first season, but he left his mark on audiences.
When Merle gets left handcuffed to a pipe on a roof is a pretty big OMG moment within itself, but then the group decides to go back for him and all they find in one severed hand and a very bloody handcuff, begging the question, “Oh my God! Is he still alive? Will we see Merle again?”
The CDC Goes Ka-Boom!
The finale of the first season finds every character trapped inside the Center for Disease Control. Its last remaining scientist, Dr. Jenner, just dropped the bomb on the group that the whole world is infected, there is no cure, and the only thing they have to look forward to is a miserable, short life and painful death.
Wow! And, he’s a glass half-full kind of guy. However, that doesn’t deter our group of fighters; they fight their way out of the CDC just in time for the entire building to blow.
Shane Sacrifices Otis
The beginning of Shane’s steep decline into crazy town starts when he and Otis go on a medical supply run. Shane's grip on reality had been slowing loosening ever since Rick returned and Lori left him for her hubby.
But here we see just how brutal he can be when he ensures his own safety at the expense of Otis’ life by shooting the poor bastard in the leg, stealing his stuff, and leaving him behind for the zombies to feast on. Until that point, that was the most vicious thing we'd seen on the show.
Sofia Gets a Deadly Makeover
One of Shane’s (many) acts of defiance against Rick begins with him opening the doors to Hershel's zombie-filled barn. Then he, and several other members of the group, gun down the zombies until they've slain them all... or so it would seem.
Then a single, slow, little bitty zombie comes walking out— Sophia. Everyone but Rick is too shocked to react, so Sheriff Grimes does what he has to and puts a bullet in her head.
The biggest OMG factor to this moment is when you realize that the preceding half-dozen episodes were them farting in the wind and looking for a character who'd been dead and in the freaking barn the entire time.
Rick vs. Shane
After killing Otis, Shane quickly became more unstable with each episode until it all came to a standoff with Rick. He loves Lori, he doesn’t agree with Rick’s decision making, and he’s tired of being treated like he's second best.
Shane takes Rick out into the woods, pulls a gun on him, and tells him how he’s the better father and leader. Rick, however, proves he’s the better man for sticky situations when he hands over his gun to get close enough to stab Shane.
Losing Shane sucked because, though he was often a rough son-of-a-bitch, he kept things interesting; it did, however, mark the beginning of Rick's descent into Rick the Terminator.
Hershel Loses a Limb
Season three started out like an out of control train about to go off the rails at any moment. Episode two sees the gentle Hershel gettin' bitten like a Hershey bar.
And before you can finish tweeting OMG HERSHEL, he's on the ground and Rick's hacking his leg off to save him.
It’s a Girl!
Lori was an annoying character in season two, and a lot of people were looking forward to the moment when she met her maker…until season three. In true “TWD” fashion, Lori starts to make you feel bad for her just in time for zombies to ambush the prison. She goes into labor, but can’t have it naturally so Maggie has to cut the baby out of her with a very dull-looking knife— a fatal sacrifice for the sake of her baby.
After that Carl shoots her in the head to prevent her zombifying and they leave. When Rick returns later, all you see is a bloody trail of meat bits leading to one very over-stuffed zombie. No matter how much you disliked Lori, she deserved better than that!
T-Dog’s Last Gift
Season three’s “Killer Within” is one of the hardest, saddest episode to watch. Not only does Lori die brutally, but our beloved T-Dog does as well. He goes out like a boss, though, giving one last gift to Carol and the rest of the group. First, he closes the open gate the zombies are using to infiltrate the prison, and that’s where he first gets bitten.
Then, T-Dog stays behind to fight off the zombies so that Carol can escape, resulting in him being torn apart and devoured alive. In season one T-Dog seemed like he’d have a short lifespan, but he kept on surviving, and this soft-spoken guy went on to become a fan favorite. But, on "The Walking Dead," no-one is safe forever.
Glenn’s Tutorial on the Proper Use of a Chair
Glenn remains one of the sweetest characters of “TWD,” which adds another layer of horror to the show when he and Maggie get kidnapped by the Governor.
While Maggie's tied up in one room, Glenn is duct-taped to a chair and beaten mercilessly by Merle. After Merle gets pissed enough, he lets a zombie loose in the room with G-man, who then fights it off while still duct-taped to the chair.
Eventually Glenn breaks free, stabs the zombie in the head with the armrest still duct-taped to his arm, and lets out a badass, animalistic howl... but the camera lingers a few extra seconds as if to say "Yeah, that was badass. But he's still trapped."
Given what a likable guy Glenn normally is, seeing him fight like Jason Statham really drives home how much he and the other characters have changed over the seasons.