To do that, a huge key will be spotting commonalities between cultures and helping everyone understand that no matter where each individual is from, we’re all basically the same.
To that end, might I suggest that a global equalizer already exists.
American…Russian…Korean…doesn’t matter.
We all love to drink.
And the only thing a human loves more than drinking…is binge drinking with crazy rules.
Thankfully, our friends at Thrillist over covered the globe to uncover the 7 of the craziest drinking games the world has ever spawned. So if you thought you and your frat brothers had come up with the most innovative twist ever on beer pong (and if you haven’t played Beer Pong – Death Cup Edition, you’re missing out), just know some wacky Chinese kid and his friends are thinking the exact same thing at that exact same moment.
See all 7 insane drinking games from around the world over at Thrillist.