Exclusive Interview: Abigail Breslin on Haunter

CraveOnline: Speaking of Halloween, have you ever seen any Little Miss Sunshines out at Halloween?

Abigail Breslin: That’s a good question. I think that we did see, or I got told about somebody dressing up as Olive for Halloween. So I’ve seen a few of those. One of them was an adult man which was interesting. There were some cool things. I’ve seen people tweet me that they dress their daughter up as it which is kind of funny, but yeah.


Do you still remember the dance from Little Miss Sunshine?

I don’t. People always ask me if I do but I don’t. I was nine when I filmed it so I don’t really remember much of it.


I won’t get to see Ender’s Game for another two weeks, but as far as I remember the books, is Valentine a bigger role in the sequels than the first one?

Yes, she is. In this movie Valentine’s on Earth and she’s kind of just Ender’s grounding back home and will keep him going throughout the whole battle school. I really love that character because she’s just a really good person and a really kind-hearted girl.


I’m sure there’s going to be a sequel to The Call. I think you should grow up to be a 911 operator with Halle, and you can save someone together.

Ahh, that’s an interesting take on it. I could see that maybe happening. That would be cool.


I’m trying to plant that idea, so would you be up for it?

You can just write the screenplay for it.


Have you shot Maggie?

I’m filming it right now. It’s really cool. I’m really excited about it. I’m always excited when I’m filming something. It’s a really cool movie. I’m really excited for people to see it. It’s not really your typical zombie movie. There are zombie like creatures but it’s really more about the isolation of disease and infection when you’re contagious and what that’s like. So it’s a really cool movie and I’m loving working on it.


Is Arnold Schwarzenegger playing your dad?

He is. He’s great. He’s so much fun to work with. He’s such a nice guy and he’s awesome in this movie, so I’m really excited for people to see it.


I did not get to see August: Osage County when I was in Toronto. What do you get to play in that movie?

I play Jean and she’s the 14-year-old daughter of Ewan McGregor and Julia Roberts. She’s this kind of jaded, tough teenage girl but she’s really just a little girl at heart. It’s a very sad little character because Jean really wants to be a 14-year-old girl but in the world that they’re living in, under her particular circumstances, she’s forced to be bitter and acerbic.


Was that a challenging role for you?

It was, it was. She’s a very complicated girl but on the surface she’s just all teenaged angst and brattiness but there’s really a lot of different emotions going on. It was fun though. I loved making it.


Did you happen to see the “Zombieland” pilot that Amazon made?

No, I haven’t seen it yet. I want to though.


Did you ever get to see Haunter with an audience and see everyone get scared?

I haven’t yet. I really want to. I’m really excited for that because the only people I’ve seen it with were my family and my best friend, but she was getting really into it so that was fun for me. I really want to see it with an audience. 

Fred Topel is a staff writer at CraveOnline and the man behind Best Episode Ever and Shelf Space Weekly. Follow him on Twitter at @FredTopel.