Dynamite is continuing with some interesting announcements – they’ve got the license to Gold Key Comics staples from the 1950s and 60s, which means titles like Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, Magnus: Robot Fighter, Solar: Man of the Atom and the long-lost Doctor Spektor are getting a big boost.
First of all, Turok is going to get Greg Pak to revitalize him, whom you may know from his current work on Batman/Superman and his past work on Incredible Hulks. “When [Editor] Nate Cosby told me the character he had in mind for me, I couldn’t stop grinning. The original Turok, Son of Stone series featured a Native American warrior fighting for survival in a lost valley populated by dinosaurs. I’m just going to go on the record and say that every single element in that description is solid gold. I want to write stories with a Native American hero. I want to write stories about fighting for survival. And you bet your boots I want to write stories about a world populated by dinosaurs. And now you’re telling me I get to do all three? For sheer thrills and adventure, this book is going to be a blast to work on. And I’m always drawn to stories that feature diverse casts, so I love that a Native American hero headlines the book. I’m also loving the worldbuilding we’re doing. We’re exploring the reasons why dinosaurs walk the earth and all of the social, historical, ecological, and political ramifications that follow. This is huge adventure combined with mind-bending alternate history, and I couldn’t be happier.”

Next, Eisner-award winner Mark Waid will be taking on Doctor Spektor. “Launching a publishing event like this is an exciting opportunity to show how it can be done well, stylishly, and cohesively. The key (no pun intended), as far as I’m concerned, is to get to the core of these characters so we can, with dynamism and confidence, tell the readers who they are, what they want, and why fans will invest in that. For Doctor Spektor, the challenge comes in figuring out how a professional skeptic, a famous investigator who debunks and exposes the extra-normal and keeps himself grounded, can function in a world that suddenly hosts superheroes and supervillains. What do you choose to believe in when your lifelong belief system is swept away?”

Then, Fred Van Lente is taking on Magnus: Robot Fighter. “I’m thrilled and honored to be reviving such a beloved series. I loved the original Russ Manning book as a kid, and am looking forward to bringing science fiction action to the new series in a thought-provoking way. The very nature of robotics questions what it means to be human — that’s ultimately what Magnus: Robot Fighter will be about. That, and punching robots until they explode. There will be a lot that old-time fans will find familiar, but the science of robotics and cybernetics has advanced considerably even since the last time Magnus had a title, and you’ll be seeing a lot of those reflected here.”

Finally, Frank Barbiere of Blackout and Five Ghosts fame will be handling Solar: Man of the Atom. “Dynamite has lined up some of the top talent in the business for the new universe of books, and I am both excited and flattered to be part of it. I think fans are going to be thrilled by the new directions we’re taking with many of the properties, Solar included. I’m a huge fan of the character and will be putting a unique spin on the mythology with an emphasis on family and character. I’m hoping my take will resonate strongly across the readership, new and old alike, and I’ll certainly be bringing a lot of new and exciting things to the table.”