With the fourth season of “The Walking Dead” upon us, and the AMC powerhouse “Breaking Bad” has wrapped up, it’s time for the channel to think about the future.
Zombies are no guarantee of success. While not a ratings failure, I think we can all agree that “The Walking Dead” Season 2 had severe pacing issues. Where will the show go with seasons four, five, six and possibly seven? Where will the show find rich characters to add to the mix?
To answer those questions, “The Walking Dead” creative team only needs to look at the long running comic series.There are characters within those pages that ache to be realized in full celluloid glory. I doubt they would be introduced into the show the same way they were brought into the comic.
So far, “The Walking Dead” TV show has played fast and loose with the original material. Case in point, the death of Andrea last season. In the comic book she’s still hell on wheels, and she’s Rick’s love interest. Using the show’s divergence from the comic, I compiled a list of ten characters from “The Walking Dead” and thought of ways to introduce them.
There are some spoilers from “The Walking Dead” comic book series ahead, at least for people who haven’t read it yet. If you’re up-to-date with the comic then there should be no surprise spoilers here. And without further ado, here are 10 Characters We Want To See On “The Walking Dead” TV Show.
If I missed anyone, let me know in the comment section below!
10 Characters We Want To See In 'The Walking Dead'
10: The Governor
Okay, I know, the Governor was the main big bad of last season, and while he was a formidable opponent, the character on the show was nowhere near the unhinged psychopath of the monthly comic book series.
When the Governor returns, he needs to be a full on raging machine of evil and destruction. No more coy plots. No more wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing, the Governor needs to be a harbinger of death. If "The Walking Dead" creative team allows him only a fraction of the comic Governor’s horrors, season four will be a game changer.
9: Alice
Another Woodbury survivor from the comic that could serve the show well, Alice is a former design student who became the assistant to the Woodbury doctor.
If Alice was on the bus brought into the prison in season three, she could become second in command to Hershel as a physician. With another attractive female in the prison, Alice might become a love interest for Darryl or even Rick.
Casting Recommendation: Beth Behrs -
8: Spencer
In the comic, Spencer Monroe comes with a lot of baggage. His father, Douglas, accidentially injures Carl Grimes during a zombie attack before his own demise.
In the show, Spencer could leave that baggage behind, but keep the two-faced deceitfulness that makes him so easy to hate. Spencer could attempt a coup against Rick, and sneakily attempt to turn others against him.
A show needs more than just a big bad to dislike, there needs to be at least one sneaky bastard.
Casting Recommendation: Max Theriot -
7: Heath
Since "The Walking Dead" seems to have a lack of ethnic characters, Heath would be a natural for the show.
In the comic book series, he’s a scout, somebody able to get things done. His abilities could be a much-needed commodity, if the prison crew is to survive.
In the comic, Heath becomes best friends with Glenn, which would be a solid change for the show. Glenn’s character needs to expand on the show, and a friendship with Heath could do just that.
Casting Recommendation: Malcolm Jamal Warner -
6: Dwight
Because "The Walking Dead" TV series rarely stays exactly on track with the comic, Dwight could be a good nemesis for Rick, and a visually stunning character as well.
In the comic book series, Dwight is one of The Saviors, a group of psychos that follow Negan (you'll see him in this list).
Dwight objects to Negan taking his wife. For his objections, half of Dwight’s face is burned into hamburger. In the show, Negan could be part of a small biker gang that seem like they can help Rick and his band, but later turn deadly. Dwight could still be Negan’s right hand man, and still jealous Negan has his woman. A main character in the show with a half burned face would be a horror bonus.
Casting Recommendation: Kim Coates -
5: Negan
While I’m not a fan of the character in the comics, I think Negan could be an asset to the show. Leave out his huge community The Saviors, and just have it be Negan, his girl, Dwight and a few other tough guy bikers.
Negan could be an alpha male type who makes the prison population feel protected. They begin to trust him, and that’s when he tries to kill Rick.
Negan could be the guy to split the prison community and begin a war that lasts through season five.
Casting Recommendation: Donal Logue -
4: Paul
This character is an absolute badass. A tracker, master hand-to-hand combatant and a skilled tactician, little is know about Paul’s past.
Using the nickname Jesus, Paul finds Rick and his crew and leads them to The Hilltop Community. On the show, Jesus could be just as badass, but somebody brought in from Woodbury.
Proving he can be trusted, by saving Michonne or Carl, Jesus could become a strong ally, and an interesting addition, especially if the crew has to go up against Negan’s biker gang.
Casting Recommendation: Alex O’Loughlin -
3: Aaron
Another subtle character that "The Walking Dead" could build on is Aaron. In the comic, Aaron is part of the Andria Safe-Zone community, and he helps assimilate Rick and the gang into the community.
While I doubt we’ll ever get to the Andria Safe-Zone on TV, Aaron’s character is a solid addition to the show. He would be the first gay character on Walking Dead, and his growth from timid caregiver to ass kicker, thanks to Michonne, would have people cheering.
Casting Recommendation: Simon Helberg -
2: Ezekiel
An African-American character with his own pet tiger, how could that not be a good thing?!
Eziekel is relatively new to the comic, but he’d still work on the show. Have him be the leader of another community that Rick runs afoul of. In the comic Eziekel is a good guy, but on the show he could be a nemesis or an ally.
A character with a man-eating pet, that speaks as if he’s a Knight from the middle ages. Eziekel is television gold!
Casting Recommendation: Dave Fennoy -
1: Abraham
Big. Tough. Pissed off. That’s Abraham Ford.
"The Walking Dead" hasn’t really brought in a full-on alpha male military style ass kicker, at least not as a good guy. In the comic, Abraham is part of the crew heading to Washington DC to find out why the zombie outbreak happened and if anything can be done about it. That premise could work for the upcoming "Walking Dead" TV spinoff series.
Abraham Ford could be introduced in the original "Walking Dead," and then head-up the spin off. He’s the smash mouth fighter people love to root for.
Casting Recommendation: Triple H