There’s nothing funny about being scared, but it’d be difficult to stifle your laughter if someone told you they suffered from one of these weird phobias.
We’ve all got our own fears, but at least we can be thankful that we aren’t afraid of ducks or garden gnomes.
Here are 20 weird phobias you’ll be glad you don’t have.
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20 Weird Phobias You'll Be Glad You Don't Have
Is the fear of... Being Watched by a Duck
Anatidaephobia isn't a fear of ducks, but rather it's a fear of the feeling that you are always being watched by a duck. Absolutely quackers.
Is the fear of... Beautiful Women
Sufferers include every teenage boy ever.
Is the fear of... The Pope
We're not afraid of the Pope, but the Catholic church is utterly terrifying.
Is the fear of... Beards
Pogonophobics are afraid of furry chin fuzz, which also means that they are afraid of REAL MEN.
Is the fear of... Phobias
Phobophobias probably won't enjoy reading this list.
Is the fear of... Not Having Mobile Phone Contact
We'd like to say that we're not a little nomophobic. We'd like to say that, but we can't.
Is the fear of... Walking
Fear is never funny, but watching ambulophobics crawl to their psychiatrist's office must be worth a chuckle or two.
Is the fear of... Sleeping
Clinophobia is the thoroughly impractical fear of sleeping. Unless you live on Elm Street, in which case it is thoroughly practical.
Is the fear of... Mirrors
We've all been afraid of what we've seen looking back at us in the mirror after a long night out, but catoptrophobia is the fear of mirrors in general, not just the reflections they create.
Is the fear of... Chins
Jay Leno, Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston must be geniophobics' equivalent of Michael Myers, Freddie Krueger and Jason.
Is the fear of... Receiving Good News
Luckily for euphobics, being diagnosed with euphobia would definitely be bad news.
Is the fear of... Everything
Suffice to say this one must be particularly debilitating.
Is the fear of... Long Words
I needn't point out the irony here.
Is the fear of... Teenagers
To be fair to ephebiphobics, no one really likes teenagers.
Is the fear of... Gravity
Not the fear of the Sandra Bullock and George Clooney sci-fi movie, but rather the fear of actual gravity. Y'know, the force that keeps us tethered to the Earth.
Is the fear of... Laughter
There's nothing funny about geliophobia.
Is the fear of... Eyes
If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then ommetaphobics must be sociopaths.
Is the fear of... Rooms
On the plus side, koinoniphobics can say they are "outdoorsy" on dating profiles.
Is the fear of... Gnomes
Although not officially recognised, someone out there must be afraid of gnomes for the condition to have been given a name.
Is the fear of... Belly Buttons
At least omphalophobic's get a lot done, as they don't spend all their time navel-gazing.