7 Spooky Drive Thru Prank Videos

Would you like frights with that? The Magic of Rahat has been entertaining the internets for years with awesome drive thru prank videos, and since Halloween is coming up, we decided to go around the neighborhood and collect some of his funniest, scariest pranks. Here are 7 spooky drive thru prank videos:


Skeleton Drive Thru Prank

He could use a soda, cause he’s bone dry.


Headless Drive Thru Prank

At least they can be thankful his head’s not a flaming pumpkin.


Invisible Man Drive Thru Prank

Now you see me, now you don’t… now can I get my Whopper Jr.?


Scary Doll Drive Thru Prank

You’d better give him that toy with his Happy Meal. Or else.


Fake Hand Drive Thru Prank

Can you give him a hand? Seriously, he needs a new one.


Ghost (Floating Cup) Drive Thru Prank

Who ya gonna call? Cupbusters!


Zombie & Headless Man Drive Thru Prank

The Driving Dead.


Geoffrey Golden is the Editor-In-Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!