“Breaking Bad” is done. It’s over…finished…in the books.
And the sooner we all come to grips with that, the better.
Of course, as with any monumental pop culture event these days, people took to Vine in droves to express their feelings once the end credits rolled for the last time.
But if we see one more person crying (or fake crying) about the passing of Walter White and company, we’re gonna lose it.
AMC should be crying…they’re the ones with the Heisenberg-sized hole in their schedule — not to mention, their ratings. And that’s a hole that’ll be tough for even the great and powerful Saul Goodman to adequately fix.
Thankfully, there are a lot of different ways to commemorate the end of a pantheon-level series…

Got a cool Vine we need to check out? Tag your Vine video #CraveOnVine and we’ll take a look.
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