Whether it’s constant pampering, excessive wealth or a never-ending shower of adulation, celebrities inevitably turn into people with problems us outside-looking-in Joe Lunchpail-types can’t identify with anymore.
“I don’t have privacy anymore,” they cry. “I never know if people love me for ME…the paparazzi are like animals…and damn, have you SEEN how small the dining room in my trailer is? It’s embarrassing.”
But while celebrities cope with their rich-and-famous-people problems, there are a few areas where they remain just like you and me.
They love getting sloshed just as much as we do.
And with their mountains of cash, they’re in a position to do something about it.
Hence, enjoy this list put together by our buddies over at Thrillist of 10 wines you can try produced by celebrity vintners. Well, I’m going to assume most of them aren’t out amongst the vines, picking grapes and barreling their sweet, sweet nectar themselves, but they’re the ones bankrolling this whole operation, so it’s their name on the bottle.
Despite what they may say, it’s pretty cool to be a celebrity…
So check out Thrillist’s list of 10 stars who turned their bucks into Two Buck Chuck.