30 Things You Should Never Do On a Night Out

Do you have any?  Well, do ya, punk?

Drop by any typical bar on a typical evening in a typical town and you’ll likely stumble across breaches of decorum and reason so stunning you have to hoist your jaw up off the floor with a shovel afterward.

Guys posturing for their buddies…posturing to get laid…committing insufferable acts of douchebaggery out of sheer laziness, gross stupidity or a pungent mixture of both.

To make sure you never become THAT GUY, check out Thrillist’s list of the 30 cardinal sins you should never, ever, under any circumstances EVER commit during your night out

These are all simple tips, guys…no heavy lifting involved.  But if it keep you from being the fool that everyone wants to ditch when you duck into the bathroom, taking a look at this list will have been time well spent.

Go read the entire rundown over at Thrillist.


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