SQUIB: a : a short humorous or satiric writing or speech; b : a short news item. (Merriam-Webster)
This Travel Squib offers a look at one of the greatest achievements in the history of architecture.
In 1935, Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned by Edgar Kaufmann, Sr. (successful businessman and father of one of Wright’s students) to build his family a home about 40 miles outside of Pittsburgh in the Allegheny Mountains. Despite doubts cast onto him by Kaufmann and local contractors, Wright produced not only his greatest masterpiece but one of the Smithsonian Institute’s “28 Places to Visit Before You Die.”
Fallingwater is a vision of human design perfectly married with the natural environment. Built into a waterfall along Bear Run, the two-level home combines all of Wright’s design principles into an immensely beautiful home.
As I walked through the woods toward the home, listening to the waterfall grow louder, I came across that first glance of Fallingwater. It’s a sight that pulled the breath from my lungs. I urge anyone to make the trek if they’re in the Pittsburgh area.
You can see Fallingwater for yourself in the images below.