Villains Month: Cyborg Superman #1


Action Comics is one of the few series involved with Villains Month that decided to produce a single one-shot. Nothing in AC #23.1 leads into Forever Evil or a new Action Comics story arc. Simply put, this is the origin story of Cyborg Superman who, as those who read Supergirl might already know, is not Hank Henshaw. The bizarre story of Henshaw has been washed away with the New 52, replaced by a twist that’s pretty exciting. I won’t give it away, but AC #23.1 might be one of the few Villains Month comics that is a must buy.

It would be hard to delve too deeply into the plot of the Cyborg Superman issue without giving away the twist. The broad strokes are these. In a time just before the destruction of Krypton, two scientists compete to try and save their planet. After Krypton explodes, a few survivors lay dying, until Brainiac shows up to cherry pick the remaining Kryptonians for his new experiments.

The flipside of the story is Cyborg Superman flying through the universe wreaking all kinds of havoc. DC is obviously trying to establish both the power and cruelty of the Cyborg. The resulting chaos is effective, especially when the Cyborg gets an alien to eat his brother. Writer Michael Alan Nelson has an open road with this new Cyborg. The old motivations are gone, leaving Nelson able to create a new identity. Interestingly, Nelson keeps the grief of Cyborg Superman. The reasons are different, but the hint of sympathy remains.

 As powerful as Cyborg Superman is, I was hoping it would run into some kind of nemesis. A force of good that would go toe to toe with it. It didn’t have to be a superhero, just something to test the power and give a glimmer of hope. Instead, the lights got dimmer and dimmer, until even Cyborg Superman ends up depressed. I’m curious to see how the new identity of Cyborg Superman will play into future issues.

Artist Daniel Brown makes the Cyborg look awesome. The new robotic arm is all kinds of demonic, as is the half skeleton mouth and new body design. The rest of issue #23.1 isn’t quite as effective. When Brown is penciling the Cyborg story, the art comes together beautifully, Nicely detailed, great backgrounds and shadowing. The Krypton work is a little too stagnant. Brown never gets the textures going there that he does in the Cyborg work. Overall, the work is solid, and the Cyborg Superman is kick ass.

(4.5 Story, 4 Art)