GranFondo Whistler Offers Cyclists The Chance To Ride The Sea-to-Sky Highway

The RBC GranFondo Whistler, which will take place next month, will allow bike enthusiasts to ride from Vancouver to Whistler along the gorgeous Sea-to-Sky Highway.

Gran fondos are mass participation cycling events that have been popular in Europe for decades and are gaining momentum in North America. Loosely translated from Italian, “gran fondo” means “big ride,” and are usually a hundred kilometres or more and designed for a large number of cyclists at a variety of skill levels. The rides are judged by the challenges they offer: steep climbs, long distances and a combination of the two. While these are not races, top finishers are often recognized.

Introduced in Canada in 2010, this year’s ride, sponsored by RBC, will see more than 5000 participants from across the globe riding the 122-kilometre distance each year. According to their official website, the inaugural RBC GranFondo Whistler allowed 4,000 passionate cyclists the opportunity to ride the world-renowned Sea-to-Sky Highway in a dedicated car-free lane from downtown Vancouver to Whistler. Rider capacity grew to 7,000 cyclists in 2011 and 2012 as participants were pouring in from all around the globe as the event quickly established itself as one of the premier cycling events in North America. Every year since its inception in 2010, the event has been a recipient of “Get Out There Magazine’s” Readers’ Choice Award for Best Cycling Event in Western Canada.

Photo: GranFondo Whistler


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