The Book Report Podcast #149: Hellverine

We’re sneaking up on the sesquicentennial edition of The Book Report, Crave Online’s comic book podcast featuring your hosts, Andy Hunsaker and Iann Robinson.

In this, #149, we both finally saw The Wolverine, and we have some cinematic discussion of why it veered off the tried and true path of the Chris Claremont/Frank Miller series it was based on. We also chatter about the books of the week, including Trillium, Sidekick, Ten Grand, Burn The Orphanage, Dial H, Avengers, Cable and X-Force, Earth 2, Superior Spider-Man, Superior Foes of Spider-Man, Iron Man, Daredevil: Dark Nights, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, The Movement and Swamp Thing.





Here’s The MP3!

Subscribe to The Book Report on iTunes, follow us on Twitter (@CraveOnlineEnt) whenever you can, and be forewarned, we use salty language with regularity.  Also, be sure to check out Crave Online’s other podcasts for all your entertainment needs – there’s the “The Idiot Box” for TV, “The B-Movies” for film, and “Next Gen News” for video games. Crave Online’s got you covered.

And thanks to My Special Agent for allowing us to use their Hulk song “Anger/Danger” as our opening theme.



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