5 Insane Examples of Very Angry Customers

The following angry customers are definitely not "always right", no matter how much they think that is the case. Watch as members of staff are left dumbfounded when they're confronted by the full wrath of the consumer…


No one likes receiving sales calls, but the majority of us realise that the people on the other end of the phone line have a job to do and so we politely decline when they suggest we should upgrade our internet/TV/phone packages, say goodbye and carry on with our day. This BT customer, on the other hand, has clearly had one sales call too many.

2. The customer is always right… sometimes.

Looks like the vast amount of upselling got to this T-Mobile customer in London, as he hastily decided to remodel this shop with nothing but his bare hands and a fire extinguisher.

3. Highway to Hell

Ironically, this video probably works better as promotional material for Suzuki than any multi-million dollar commercial ever could. A car that can smash its way through a building, bulldoze into several other cars and STILL drive away practically unscathed? Well that's the ultimate family car right there.

4. McOverreaction

What do you do when your local McDonald's has ran out of the delicious combination of leftover chicken cartilage and food starch that is the McNugget? You punch the woman serving you, of course.


Look lady, you might have your issues with the staff of this store, but LEAVE THE INNOCENT ALCOHOL OUT OF THIS.