Crave’s ComicBookMovie.com got a real coup when they published Monday a probable first-draft script from the aborted Justice League movie from 2007.
Justice League: Mortal borrows heavily from The OMAC Project comic storyline and tells the story of what would happen if Batman’s network of drones spying on the world’s heroes was compromised.
Here is an outtake from the script but you should definitely read the rest at ComicBookMovie.com.
The script opens on Superman’s shield, but it’s black. He’s floating over Metropolis, wearing an all black costume. We hear tolling bells. Metropolis is all but deserted, and at a cathedral, a funeral crowd of thousands upon thousands watches Superman descend. Superman joins other black clad figures with their heads bowed, who can only be made out by glimpses of their iconic symbols and elements of their costumes. WONDER WOMAN. GREEN LANTERN. THE FLASH. AQUAMAN. THE MARTIAN MANHUNTER. All except for a familiar Caped Crusader, and there’s a lone coffin there near the heroes.