10 Funny Cartoons By FilmCow

Jason Steel has been creating viral internet cartoons since 2005, which – in internet years – is the same amount of time Walt Disney has been a legend in real life. Steel’s probably best known for the smash hit “Charlie the Unicorn,” but his whole body of work is consistently funny and weird. Here are 10 funny cartoons by FilmCow:


The Warrior

Dude, relax. The guy just wants to play his Xbox.


The Mystery Of The Missing Jade Scepter

It’s curtains for you, detective! Or should I say, “chandeliers?”


Charlie The Unicorn

…and with a “heyyyy chaaaaarlie,” an internet star was born.


Professor Toothy

The only way to fight lamb chops is with sugar.


It’s Aladdin!

His second wish was for “negging” to work.


A Night Of Spatula Madness

Never accept a gift from a bearded spatula.


The Robber

Worst house to rob ever.


The Magical Realm Of Horse Man

I don’t think he’s ready cause he’s jelly.


Marshmallow People

I wish someone would turn them into s’mores.


The Walrus Song

This is what SeaWorld is like backstage.


Geoffrey Golden is the Editor-In-Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!


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